
Registriert:So 23. Jun 2013, 16:08

Beitragvon OnlyBrain » Do 31. Mär 2016, 18:39

Interessanter Artikel zum Thema: Free to play

"We Own You" - Confessions of an Anonymous Free to Play Producer

"My first matrix was awesome for a game developer. It was full of all those cool stats like “How far has the player run” or “How many bullets has he shot”. But this did not impress my bosses. They wanted to know how we could get the player to buy more stuff, tell his friends to play the game (and thus I learned about cohorts, all I wanted to do was make games).

Time passed, Free to Play became a thing. I went from company to company. Each time, every new project became less and less about how we can do cool things, and more about how we can track and target users to get the most whales possible, boost chart position and retain users to shove as many ads on them as possible."

Want to know more ?:
http://toucharcade.com/2015/09/16/we-ow ... -producer/
"Ein wahrhaft großer Mann wird weder einen Wurm zertreten noch vor dem Kaiser kriechen."

Benjamin Franklin

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